When talking about weight gain, diet play an important role. What you eat is what you look like. Eating greasy and fatty food will make you look like the same. If you want to be healthy, you will have to eat foods that are low in calories and fats. Calories are the real culprits that cause weight gain. Your body needs a certain amount of calories so that it can carry out its functions. This minimum amount of calories that you require is called the basal metabolic rate of your body. Any extra calories other than this required amount that you intake through your diet is just useless for your body and is converted into fat. These fats are deposited at various parts of your body causing weight gain and obesity. So, it is important to follow a proper healthy diet if you want to remain healthy.

Have the same few meals again and again. Whether the goal is building muscles or losing weight, most of the dieters have the same meal over an over again. Each of your meal should be consisting of the following three groups of food.
Proteins: chicken breast and thigh, egg white, pork, grass-fed organic beef,
Legumes: black beans, lentils, pinto beans
Vegetables: asparagus, spinach, peas, mixed vegetables
Eat the above foods as much as you want. Just make sure to pick two or three meals and then have the same meal many times. Have salads or vegetables instead of French fries and potatoes. Get ideas about best diet for fast weight loss.
Well Yes, But It is also good to eat at least 6 small meals a day to boost up your metabolism